GoDaddy Lost a Customer for Life

How GoDaddy lost a customer for life and I gained one.
Highpoint Brewing Company is committed to making a statement, while unwinding and celebrating their personal dedication to craft beer. They brew and serve their great-tasting craft beer in San Dimas, California. Recently, they contacted me at Newbrew Web Development, because GoDaddy wasn’t giving them the service and attention that they had promised. GoDaddy had promised results, which included a marketing service plan, which they never delivered on. Highpoint was just another splash in their ocean of customers. The owners of Highpoint Brewing Co. were frustrated and looking for a way out. Godaddy set them up in a way that turned one task into ten and made it very hard to manage an online presence. It was a generic setting and everything was compartmentalized, making them the Nickel-n-Diming champions. A plan should have been tailored just for Highpoint, but big business can’t do that.
GoDaddy, too big to help.
Due to COVID-19, the brewhouse was, “stuck between a rock and a hard place”. They had to close their tasting room, due to California’s new mandates, and didn’t have the web presence they wanted to accept online to-go orders.
It became important to try to help fix Highpoint’s difficult situation with GoDaddy, rather than to simply try to grab a new customer, even though Newbrew is fully capable of web hosting, building a website, and maintaining a professional presence online, with beautiful and compelling visual communication. We spent all day on the phone and chat messages attempting to get Godaddy to play ball and look out for the little guy. We had to move from one hosting plan to another, trying to get the best outcome for Highpoint, without having to start all over, or spend more money. There was email hosting here, web hosting over there, a database that was off-limits, necessary security certificates that were sold separately, and website files that were hidden and unreachable; basically a very bad situation. After a day of trying to find a happy medium, we decided GoDaddy wasn’t the best fit for Highpoint.
As a small business owner, I believe GoDaddy’s behavior is unacceptable. I was fed up! WE ARE BETTER TOGETHER during these times of mandatory shutdowns and COVID-19 quarantines! I was done trying to work with GoDaddy, when their only goal was to make a buck and not lookout for people in need.
Our Solution
At the end of the day, we decided to move over to Newbrew Web Development, with the proper security certs, free of charge and created a beautiful new website for them. It displays their craft beer selection and the option to order beer online for pick-up. We also upgraded their menu graphic (see below) for downloading and for their inhouse visual communication. Newbrew Web Development will be maintaining Highpoint’s menu graphics and website FREE OF CHARGE, until they are able to get back on their feet and open up their tasting room again. Please support your local brew houses and restaurants in this time of need. Delivery service or pick-up may be all they have and that’s still may not be enough to keep them afloat. Craft Beer is deemed necessary during this lockdown. Stay hydrated, stay alive.
The Old Menu

Their New Menu by Newbrew Web Development